
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Sunday 20 November 2016

It's because of Phony Politician as Fredericton Mayor Mike O'Brien that Donald Trump was born!!!

1 comment :

  1. Corruption corruption corruption

    Yesyou are absolutely correct that Mr. Trump got a landslide victory because people finally woke up in the USA and wanted more government for the people and not people work to make government people RICH.

    Why destroy the Playhouse? Does someone want the playhouse property for $1? Seems to be the way to make a quick buck in Fredericton.

    Charles you do have a sixth sense to politics. You are the honest news for the people and yes the Evil people do not want you snooping on land deals and big contracts.

    The Evil ones will keep you busy as usual by harassing you.
