
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Monday 16 November 2015

The System to choose a Jury must change in New Brunswick!!!! Lawyers SHOULD NOT be allow to degrade the Citizens!!!

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Some people believe I was there as system to pick Jurors must change. I got lucky my number never came up!!!


  1. Good rant. This province treats the most minor of matters like a John Grisham novel. I did jury duty in the UK - we weren't asked any questions at all, by anyone, for the two trials I sat on. Health issues and reasons for not serving were resolved before we even turned up and had to leave our jobs for an unspecified time. I was involved in an assault trial and, separately, one for drug trafficking. The drug trafficking defendants were Jamaican and the jury was all-white. If the accused had money the lawyers would have fought for a 50/50 racially split panel. Nobody cared because they did not have money and Legal Aid... well, what can I say. Here jury selection is an opportunity for theatrics, drama and for privately retained lawyers to rack up charges for their time. Pathetic.

  2. You are such a LIAR!! They did NOT say "no we don't want you". It was that they challenged the pick of a potential juror. So if the crown didn't "want" someone on the panel, for whatever reason, they would say "challenge" and vice versa for the defence. The words "we don't want you" were NEVER uttered by ANYONE in that room so get your facts straight and stop lying all the time. What a drama queen.

  3. Whooaa 14:49 - you are clearly having a nervous breakdown, causing a severe over-reaction to serious nothingness. Lawyers make it very clear when they do not want a certain class of person or individual to sit on a jury panel. I agree Charles should not take it personally, because it is strategic and about demographics and social preferences, but he is not a liar.

  4. It's not degrading it is strategy.
