
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Monday 10 August 2015

Racist Justice Bureaucrats orders Blogger to pay $399.00 for Transcript of hearing!!!!! RACIST BUREAUCRAT MUST BE FIRED!!!

I will write more on this later...I am way too upset!!!! We must begin to fire these Racist Bureaucrats!!!!!


  1. You're acting like you're being singled out. That is the cost associated with procuring the transcript. It applies to everyone. Just because you're poor doesn't give you an exemption.

  2. Anonymous 21:29 There are exemptions for people on welfare - when is this City/Legal system going to start following the rules? They seeem to pick on anyone without the means to pay.
    What kind of fairness is this?

  3. Fairness means if I have to pay $400 for court documents; Charles should too. THAT is fairness, rich or poor, doesn't matter.

    In otherwords Charles, suck it up princess.

  4. Just called the Justice people and will know more in the the cowards jerkface....the system falsely accuse me of assault.....denying me the right to a lawyer so therefore I should have access to the transcript so I can have a fair hearing but that's not the case in this Racist system against the less fortunate.....

  5. Poster at 21:29 and 13:39 - you are a complete arse, and clearly don't understand the Canadian Constitution which, at section 15 of it's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, states Charles is entitled to "equality in and before the law," and "to equal benefit and protection of the law", regardless of his situation or income. People who can't afford to pay for transcripts are clearly disadvantaged, and are NOT being treated equally, when required to pay the same as lawyers, who can afford these costs to help them fight their cases. Charles was denied the audio recordings of the hearings - which would have cost him $20 for the entire proceedings. Perhaps the Justice Minister should explain - he is in charge of the running of the courts and release of mechanical and transcribed recordings. Since it is up to the judges to approve the audio being released, one has to ask: what are the judges trying to hide?
