
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Saturday 11 July 2015

You have to be a Believer....

Picture 13236


  1. Absolutely, for sure, Charlie, ya gotta be a believer. But, unfortunately, my friend, this does not include anything EARTHLY!!!! Yes indeedy, pal , the shananigons of each and every f---in' one of our lawyers, judges, politiciansd, supreme court jusdtices, sergeants-at-arms and ant other self-important loud-mouths out there have gone well beyond the call of duty to f--- that up severely.
    It don't take much, my friend, jist give 'em enough rope to hang 'emselves, and they can always, always find a way to string 'emselves by the nuts whenever, and however, they so choose.
    They gotta believe in "THE JUDGE OF ALL JUDGES", pal, 'cause HE don't f--k around with self-righteous know-it-alls like dese bastards.
    DEMOCRACY FOREVER, MY GOOD AND DECENT FRIEND. And if anybody tries ta tell ya any different, you jis tell ,em ta f--- off

    Drulin' all over ya bubbyu.
    Luv Ya ta
    Beet Hell!!!!

  2. The court has you right by the neck my friend 45 days away so getta packing , And what the hell is that dope 00:48 babbling on about . The court system is going to find the right charge for Mr Leblanc I sure of that and everyone knows it ya can't walk around punching people, And expect to walk away. No No NO NOT IN FREDERICTON MY FRIEND .
