
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Friday 22 May 2015

Blogger got no mention in Book!!!!

Would love to promote book on battle in Kent county but I was surprised I got no mention at all......Maybe I never covered the issue in Rexton enough? Oh well....



It's funny because yesterday while chatting with Crazy Joe, I said - There's one thing I noticed about the Natives. Once the Natives noticed me in a area? They quickly come and thanked me for the coverage I did during the shale Gad Protest in Kent County.

15 hours later while chatting with someone at the Farmer's Market? This beautiful Native from Elsipogtog First Nation approached me and thanked me for the work I did!!!..:)

Picture 10453

She gave me a nice hug and continue on her way!!!!..:)

See??? You don't have to be mentioned in a Book for the fine work you have accomplished to the Natives in Kent County!!!..:) They never forget....:)

1 comment :

  1. You're just a pawn. Free exposure. No one really wants to associate with you but can you blame them?
