
Charles Jackie

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News - Stories and Rants

Saturday 18 October 2014

12 hours for the Homeless at Officer's Square in Fredericton is far from the real deal!!!!

This is a good thing because it's the Job of the Fredericton Police Force to make certain almost every youths is in the system. They are force to sign conditions that are impossible to follow so at the end they end up on Welfare!!!! It rained last night so they found shelter....


  1. Just maybe these so called homeless people would have a place to live if they got off the drugs and booze.Some of them would probley be welcome back home with mom and dad if they obeyed the rules at home and left the drugs/booze alone..
    The other problem is they don't want to pay rent on room/apartment when they can live at the shelter for 75.00 per month and eat free around the corner at the soup kitchen....Everyone has to make choices as an adult and they choose to live on the streets.
    The lady in your video thinks society owes her something cause she has mental issues,she is so wrong get a frackin job at tim hortons or something and get a place to live

    Taxpayer who works 2 jobs everyday

  2. Your ignorance is very sad indeed. What about the children living with parents who are the ones using drugs and alcohol and abusing their children, where do they go. Also youth are not able to access the shelters, which by the way charge more than $75.00 a month. Also the cost of living in Fredericton is high and the job market is low. It is important for society to educate themselves on the current issues in our province before they judge those around them.

  3. Sorry anonymous you need to get off the CRACK and report these bad parents to child protection .......You say there isn't any jobs out there,your wrong again cause im 47 and have never filled out a job application,i have 2 jobs ......My wife does home support work and 3 weeks ago she was offered a second I guess if your willing to work the jobs are out there,but if your expecting a 20 to 40 dollars an hour job it isn't happening in freddy and you need to lower your stanards .

    My final thought to your comment is why is low income housing only available to people on welfare?Should'nt everyone in the province working or not be entitled to low income housing since its the working man/womans taxes that the government uses to pay for your low income housing/apartment

  4. ...low income housing is available to all low income individuals/families, if it were only available to people on 'welfare', it would be called WELFARE housing, and they would have to build a brick wall around it in order to protect the people from all the shit you throw at them. Everyone deserves the same respect, not just the working class. And low income housing is available if you need it.
